Earthlite Half-Round Jumbo Bolsters at MeyerDC

SKU: W-EAM444 Categories: , Brand: .


Massage Has Never Been This Comfortable

The Half Round Jumbo Bolster is foam-filled and zippered, making it very comfortable and convenient for use. The jumbo size is especially useful for larger clients because it offers them more support. The bolster is covered in vinyl, which makes it resistant to lotions and oils typically used in massage. It can be easily washed, making it very hygienic, and it can be used for all clients. A cleaning agent that is safe to use on vinyl should be used, as vinyl has a porous surface. The Half Round Jumbo Bolster can be used on all body areas to make your clients feel more comfortable during massages. It also features straps that can easily be attached to any massage table, which add to the bolster’s stability.

Half-Round Jumbo Bolsters Features

  • Covered in vinyl and foam-filled.
  • Has straps that can attach to massage tables.
  • Can be used for several body areas.
  • Jumbo size for larger clients.